Aug 27·edited Aug 27Liked by Sophie Cartledge

I still remember the burnout I experience in 2013, it was scary and honestly didn't know what was happening to me.

*Started with me not being able to manage day to day tasks

*Moved to me going mute

*Then delusions

*Then stuttering

*Then full on body shaking

It took me around six months to be able to function enough that I didn't need my husband doing everything for me

Since then it's started wiith small things bothering me

*My hair (number of times I've hacked my hair)

*My clothes bothering me

*Noise driving me to scream

I don't know if there is a link, but I feel as if moving into perimenopause has heightened my sensory overload and I get bothered a lot quicker

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That sounds so intense and very scary indeed, especially when you don’t know what it is or how long it will last.

You are quite right there is a very real link between perimenopause, hormones changing, and sensory overwhelm and overload.

Mine became so bad that I can’t bare being in my house without headphones on because of the road sound and we are moving house because of it.

It’s very real.

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This article is great Sophie and it really hit home … I can relate to stage 1. I can’t work out if it’s because of life challenges, summer holiday fatigue or everything! I’ll sit with it to work out what might help.

It’s brills that you’re doing a workshop on this ❤️

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Thank you for reading Andrea! It’s tough to know especially when there’s so much going on and all out of sorts with the holidays isn’t it?! 🫠

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